I was a Captive Allstate Insurance agent for 23 years. I’ve learned a lot about the insurance industry building an office from scratch. I also purchased a Satellite Agency in a community 60 miles away and ran that for 9 years before selling it to a new agent. My time at Allstate served me well in providing me with the opportunity to learn from trial and error and to experience Hard and Soft markets. I had a reputation of being an honest, straight shooting, hardworking, customer service oriented agent, who was always available in my customers time of need. I had high retention and low loss ratios. Unfortunately, the captive world doesn't reward one much for those two things. I now represent numerous companies and have options for just about everyone. I have been SAVING people LOTS & LOTS of MONEY at NORTHWEST INSURANCE, Inc.!!!!
Call me for a quote!
I was born and raised in the Portland area and was educated at The University of Oregon. I am very outgoing and social and have a wide variety of interests. Call me and see if I can help you improve your coverage and hopefully save money along the way.